How We Help

One-size-fits all solutions aren’t what we’re about – at Without Limits we work alongside you and your family to understand your goals. Let us help you find your ideal service package or how we can create a unique program just for you.

Assistance for All

Without Limits is for all those with a disability who need a helping hand with daily life, improving their interaction skills and becoming more independent members of the community. Our services are customised to make sure each individual gets the care they need. From school-leavers looking to enter the workforce and beyond.

Professional Care

Our mission is to provide a professional, bespoke service that ensures our participants receive the care they really need. Care that makes them feel seen, supported and understood. Professionalism is at the core of what we do and our participants can be sure that all services are executed with this in mind.

Real People, Real Results

Our greatest joy is to be able to empower those that come to us to become proud and productive members of society. Our success comes from the countless smiles on the faces of our participants. It comes from their stories of travel, careers, friendships and achievements they never thought possible.